Dedicated to the sport of bowhunting and competitive archery, Big Oak Archery Club was established by a group of local archers in the late 1950's. The club is located 7302 Stokes Ferry Rd. in Salisbury, NC 28146. It is the goal of Big Oak Archery Club to promote archery, sportsmanship, and bowhunting in our area. We welcome all shooters, young or old, experienced or not, to come and join us in our club or at one of our scheduled shoots. Our members are hardworking, dedicated individuals and families who donate alot of their free time to keeping our club the best around.
B.O.A.C. consists of a group of people who love & enjoy the sport of archery, for hunting or competitive reasons. The age range is wide spread from young to old. Some members have been shooting bows most or all their lives, while others have just learned to enjoy the sport. We strive to make B.O.A.C. the best. Our members have extensive knowledge that, when asked, are willing to help anyone who may need a little guidance sometimes. We try to encourage parents to get their kids involved if they show the interest, after all, kids are the future for the sport of archery. They are the future hunters. They may be the future olympic shooter. Members live from one mile to forty miles of the club, maybe more. We try to maintain a nice atmosphere for folks to come and shoot. We try to hold 2-3 club only shoots (members and their guests) each year. During these shoots, we don't work at the club or pull out any 3D targets. This is just for members to get together to relax and enjoy the camaraderie of those in the club, have a little competition if desired, while food is supplied by the club or donated by a member(s).
The club is coordinated by the elected officers: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Target Masters. It is their job to make sure things get done, contact other members on matters of the club, and to keep the club running as smooth as possible. These officers work very, very hard to do this. It takes alot of their time and alot of dedication to keep a club going. In the past few years, there have been a number of clubs close down due to poor participation in helping run the shoots that a club MUST hold to generate revenue for leases, insurance, targets, whatever expenses a club may aquire year to year. Without the help of all members, those that work all the time get frustrated, burnt out and end up quitting a club. We DON'T want that to happen at B.O.A.C. That's why we try to reward members for their work by letting them shoot free on shoot day, if they worked the clean-up day before.
If you are interested in seeing or joining B.O.A.C., please Contact an officer to do so.
Note: B.O.A.C. is not for profit and NONE of the officers are paid for any position held. Any monies raised due to memberships, shoots, raffles, special events, selling of used targets, or sponsorships is used solely for the purpose of running the club: lease, insurance, mailings (stamps, envelopes, paper, printer ink, etc.), banners, or any other expense the club incurs. Any money raised during a good year is saved for the next year in case it were an off-season attendance wise (some years are slow, some are not). If the club were ever to close down (God forbid) for whatever reason, any assets the club has would be sold and the monies would be donated to a charity.
Note: Absolutely at no time are drugs, alcohol, firearms, or crossbows allowed on Club property whatsoever by anyone including members. Motorcycles are not allowed at anytime. ATV's are allowed only on clean-up and shoot days for clean-up and refilling water jugs, checking on range, and gathering targets. Breaking any rules of the club can result in disqualification, membership termination without reimbursement of dues paid, and may also result in criminal prosecution.